"Stiff gale ahead, then calm and clear. Lat: 59-29. Long: 3-10. Azimuth 40. Brutus and Artaxerxes. Cards."
This is one of many excerpts from John Adam's diary that are being uploaded to Twitter as tweets in their original form. The Massachusetts Historical Society began to upload these 200 year old tweets on August 5th, 2009. His "tweets" are incredibly condensed and far beyond the 140 character limit. They follow him traveling to Russia as a U.S. minister. His tweets will discuss many objects including meals, weather, stories on the sea and much more.
-Joseph L., Period 7
The world created by social networking is the reason why history will never die... and why longcat exists...
I think that it was a great idea to post his diary on twitter. This could help teenagers learn more about John Adam's life in a less boring and more modern form.
Maybe the person who invented Twitter found several accounts like this and decided that it would be appropriate to use in a social network.
Thats awesome that some one would tweet something like that and i would love to follow him, if i tweeted because that sounds fun and interesting.
I like the idea of learning about John Adam’s over twitter, because teens are more likely to be on the internet then reading a book about a historical figure.
Tabatha S. Period 3
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